Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Singing James Brown at Groundwork

Yesterday was my two months anniversary of working for Groundwork as an Admin Assistant - what a boost for my confidence to be able to get paid (though part time) work again.  I was very happy to finally get a steady paid role which left my evenings and weekends free unlike the pub where I was Supervisor whose restructuring programme simply created more unease and reduced morale amongst staff. 

Though while I celebrated and people were happy for me, it was difficult to be too over the top as those around me suffered the fate of the spending cuts announced in November last year by the new government.  My first main task was also to clear and archive papers to make room for new furniture coming over from one of the other branches to be closed.  I worked hard at it and in the last few days discussed the details for a removals man to come and take away unneeded furniture.  My manager finally came to visit and after having a prompt look around seemed to think I had done more than enough and that I had exceeded the requirements for the removals man without realising it, though the excess work would still need to have been done eventually, just not as quickly as I had done it.  We could both see the space being easily vacated and done at low cost.  I was chuffed.  

Not as chuffed however as when I came downstairs to switch off my computer to go home when I noticed an email from Trevor Pybus from Phoenix Community Housing. 

The shed and the summerhouse got planning approval.  YAY!!!!!

I am over the moon!!!!  Not only did I save Groundwork and Phoenix hundreds of pounds by doing the planning application by myself rather than a consultant, we got the planning permission which means that the users of the community garden will not only continue to have a safe place to store their gardening tools, but also a place to shelter from the sunshine and rain, and have an area where they can sit down and have a cup of tea and a biscuit together.  

My confidence is slowly being restored and I feel good, na na na na na na na... (*James Brown sing along*)

Now all they have to do is put the summerhouse up.... Ahem... Oh.... Next.......!!!

Thursday, 27 January 2011

The heat is on.... on the street! And the community garden.

It's my last day at Groundwork and I'm amazed at how much I can do when when I've got time pressure against me to finish some much work before I go...  Yes, I have finally completed the 3d drawings of the summerhouse and the shed and the plan of the community garden.  The plan is only an indication drawing, hence the lack of substantial detail... but the summerhouse is something I am proud of.  Go Maya :-)  

As per usual my travel and subsistence expenses took a back seat for over two months and I got them sorted and approved today. I am soooo looking forward to seeing that money back in my account.  This week was almost a wash out especially what with the renewal of car insurance... that was sticky.  

And then finally there is the admin - but most of that is done.  It'll be drinks in the Stage Door tonight.  A final cheer to good old memories and to the closure of another chapter.  Lovely.  

But the blog will go on... 

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The beginning of the end and the new wait...

So my line manager and I had a chat before Christmas and it was basically about how crap the employment was and how disheartened I had become after 10 months of trying to fill in applications and not actually getting anywhere.  Not to mention some of the pressure I was feeling from certain outlets which really didn't help my ego.  Yeah, I felt crap and helpless.  It's one thing working for money and taking the pressure and another thing working as a volunteer for ages and getting less and less motivated because no one wants you (or they do but they can't afford more than one employee), and taking the pressure AND trying to boost your confidence at the same time.  Nah, thanks mate. 

I took the Christmas break to think about what I was doing with myself.  I'd spent so long working on so many projects but really needed a break and some way of making myself realise again that I was good at working.  Whatever I did.  Even my manager knew it and told me that I was the kind of person who you could give a job to and be trusted to fulfil it to the finest detail.  Yes, detail was everything and we kicked ass.  

The one example she gave me was the Wandle Conference that we organised jointly back in April.  As a volunteer I remember thinking that I should take a back seat and let Carla lead me in my work.  But when we got to sitting down and sorting out the workshops we flowed.  It was something that Carla was worried about and felt she would have to spend ages on it, go into overtime, revise over and over but with both of us working on it, we got it down in a matter of hours across a couple of days.  Awesome :) 

It occurred to me how much all my experience intertwined not only at the conference but in all the other projects had I taken part in delivering.  I had applied all my teaching experience and events coordinating in putting together open days for the community garden and consultations for adults and children.  I organised promotional material, venues, activities, the lot.  I knew (and still do) that I was so capable of all the work I did, and more switched on than some other people who, although were better at me in things like current affairs or who were better travelled than me (and I have been to a few places as well...), still lacked the vital project managements skills that I owned.  
I remember one day having a tense conversation with a colleague about the timings of two consultations (one with adults, one with children) that he had organised and that I was meant to be helping with on the day and the level of publicity (which was minimal) he had given it and the likelihood of having lots of people attend.  He was adamant that he was right and that his plan would work and that as a volunteer (I think he must have thought I was an inexperienced intern) I was wrong.  I ended up demonstrating the timing of actually doing the activities in the midst of the meeting and counting aloud the seconds that it was taking, then multiplied it to the level at which the activity was meant to take place.  Grudgingly the timings were amended.  As for the attendees, I told him that from the level and type of publicity he had given the consultations, we'd be lucky if we had one.  I was right again.  Plan B of grabbing people off the streets took place (which was quite successful) and we were both happy.  Don't mess with the Mayster.  

Anyway, in January I gave them my notice.  Three weeks so that I could tie up loose ends for the community garden, do some tree planting that I'd promised another colleague I'd help out with, and do some phoning around to find a project in Bexley that we could use some funding for.  Tomorrow is my second last day.  My three week plan is almost accomplished with additional admin (like my 2 months of expenses!) thrown in.  

And what am I going to do my time now?  Well, the General Manager at the Rose offered me the opportunity to work as a Supervisor.  Sweet.  Yes please!  A small payrise but at least I get the experience and more importantly for the moment, the confidence boost.  Nice :-)  I've taken a week off from the pub to calm down from the hype of the holidays and this month and will be starting my new role next week.  I'll do that until I get confidence boost number 2 - a position as Community Project Officer in an environmental setting.  That would be the most wonderful thing ever.  Please?  x