Sunday, 26 September 2010

The reason why I could buy a pint for my mate Shak.

I'm feeling a lot more positive this week.  For two reasons:  I have money.... And I've had an interview.

First - money.  a) I finally put my travel expenses in at work, yay....!! and b) Yes, I have got myself a part time pub job.  Lovely little pub off the main street of Chelsea.  Good food, great atmosphere, friendly people.  I love it.  And it was only because my friend Shak dragged me out for a pint (which he very kindly paid for) and us having a bit of banter with the manager that I blurted out, "Do you have any jobs going?"  Yes, he does.  And he needs more females to balance out the bar staff.  Part time is fine.  And would I like to come in for a trial shift next week?  Yes please :-)  And there's Shak sitting opposite me at the table, pint in hand, merrily cheering me on!  Ha ha...

So, I come for the trial shift.  6pm on a Friday night.  It's only meant to be 2 or 3 hours long, no payment (to me).....But because the pub is sooooo busy, 7 hours later at 1am, I'm helping break down the bar (catering term for tidying it up, not dismantling!!) and having a chat with the manager.  He's given me 40 quid for the night, and paper work to fill in.  Awesome.  Cash!!  And I have the job. 

One week later, I have my first proper shift.  It's strange being back behind the bar.  I'd not been in that position for almost 8 months.  And before that almost 8 years!  And I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing being back there?  Yes, I am, stop being silly, Maya!  Yes, I am actually pretty excited about it.  I do like bar work.  And there is another girl in who's on trial shift.  I tell her what happened to me the week before and we joke that it will happen to her.  It does.  She's there at 1am helping us to break down the bar.  40 quid.  Contract.  Good one. 

That night was manic.  Totally.  There was a birthday party and a load of regular drunken lunatics getting pissed as usual.  And suddenly out of nowhere, the Jagerbombs start flying!  Shit.  Fun to prepare once you have everything, but a pain to put together because the bar is always short of shot glasses.  So I spend a lot of the evening getting glasses collected, washed, helping the other bar tenders serve - which also means I'm out of the sales race!  However, I'm so fast at doing this, and the bar tenders are only short a couple of times that night, that I earn the nickname of Ninja!  Haaaaaaaaaai-ya!!!  It is now my name on the till. 

A week after my first shift (2 weeks after my trial), I had an interview.  It was funny because it was the first interview in the last few months which I had not been nervous in.  Perhaps I was still unsure about whether I wanted the job or not to the point that I knew that if I didn't get it, I wouldn't be too disappointed.  Or perhaps I'd just become non-chalent after being in so many interviews and had almost accepted that I probably wouldn't get the job anyway, so why get stressed or worried about it!?  Either way, I felt myself chatting away, so relaxed and happy, and ready enough to just expand and expand on everything.  And the interviewers were really friendly and nice... I don't know when I will hear about the job -but my point is, I wish this would happen in every interview... Humph!  Now, I know that I am capable of being relaxed and answering questions fully, I will do my best to repeat it.  Fingers crossed.  Ahem... yeah... the prospect of having to have a non-chalent attitude for a job I desperately want really doesn't appeal, though somehow I'm going to have to master it... *sigh*

And so a few days ago, I checked my bank balance.  I have money from my travel expenses... and my first weekly wage from the pub.  Excellent.  Smile.  So I went and dragged Shak out and bought him a pint.  He was happy.  

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