Wednesday, 15 September 2010

I am not quite writing to apply for a job...

So why am I writing this?  Possibly because I've just been reading other people's blogs about food, birds, clever thoughts, and then hoped that by a miracle I would be able to produce some sort of literature of the same calibre that was so good that all my friends would want to read it day after day, comment, laugh, cry (yeah, alright...).  Whatever.  Cynic.  Maybe it's just a form of catharsis. 

So why I am writing this thing again?  Because I'm crazy.  Just as crazy as to decide to be a volunteer and tell people about it.  Sorry, a what?  Yes, a volunteer.  A full time one.  Well, four days a week.  Almost full time.  And I've been doing it for 5 months and a half.  Well, actually 5 months and 18 days to be exact, so just over.  But yes, I need to leave.  And get a paid job.   

Don't get me wrong - I love it.  I think it's one of the most terrific things I have done in a long while.  The people are great, the job's marvellous, I'm learning sooooo much!  I even forget sometimes how long I've been there.  But it doesn't pay.  And when you have rent and bills coming out of your ears, it can get frustrating.  But it is one of the most rewarding roles I have been in.  And that's what counts. 

Now, it's not the first time I've volunteered.  The first time was at the London Wetland Centre in Barnes.  Part time.  I did a few days or evenings a month doing all sorts of things - birding, edutaining (educating whilst entertaining young people visiting the centre), aviculture, leading batwalks - it was awesome!!  I did it for over 4 and a half years, but then I had to move towns for work near the end of 2007. 

I came back to London last year, did a couple of odd jobs and decided that I needed to get into what I wanted to do.  Despite qualifying in Spatial Planning and working in the field for a couple of years in 2007 - 2009, I decided that it wasn't really what I wanted to do, nor believed it.  Putting up buildings?  Pah.  I wanted to go back into environmental work but using the skills I'd developed in Planning.  So I did. 

Earlier this year, I applied for a job as Community Project Officer with a charity called Groundwork who do environmental urban regeneration work.  And I was soooooooooo close... but not enough to get the job, but enough to be offered volunteer work.  I had a few gaps in my experience.  Beneficial?  Definitely.  Likely to be busy soon?? Ha ha, no.  Choice???  Yes, and no.  It was definitely a way forward and despite the lack of money, I could see the benefits really holding down the balances.  So I said yes. 

The deal?  To initially assist with a consultation conference on a large scale project - The Wandle Valley Regional Park.  Then to help out on smaller community projects such as landscape design, playgrounds and community gardens.  Lunch and travel expenses were paid for.  The experience has been amazing.  Though it's been pretty damn hard, a good old struggle - but I wouldn't change it for the world.  The story starts here.  Let me tell you what it has been like....

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